Are you Struggling with Taking Care of your Emotional and Physical Health? 5 Self Care Tips During the Pandemic

Are you properly taking care of your mental and physical health during this pandemic? In this article, hear a licensed therapist share some of our favorite self-care techniques.


           Pandemic. Home schooling. Presidential election. In the midst of some of the most stressful times in history, self care is one thing we can hold on to keep our sanity and manage our stress levels. Self care is taking time to actively do things that bring you peace, happiness, and decrease your stress levels in times of stress.

  • Early Morning Meditation: When you wake up in the morning, resist the urge to reach for your phone and take 5 to 10 extra minutes to meditate. You can start by taking 5 deep breaths and holding in for 4 seconds and breathing out for 4 seconds. Next, listen to the sounds around you, it could be the kids pouring a bowl of cereal, birds chirping outside, or a dog barking. As you listen, extend grace and thankfulness to your body for all the things it does for you. Be kind to yourself if your mind wanders, and focus on the breath. Stay in this space for the next 5 to 7 minutes.

  • Limit Time on Social Media: Social media is how we connect with our friends, family, and old classmates and peers. For others, it is how they promote their business and connect with customers. However, it can also be a battleground of opinions, celebrity lavish lifestyles, and influx of negative news. It is important to stay aware of the things that are happening in the world. But remember to take time to focus on what is going on in your community and take breaks to reduce stress.

  • Exercise: Working out can do great things for your physical health and mental health. Simply going for a walk, jog, run, or doing light exercise in your home can increase your endorphins and leave you feeling less anxious, more relaxed, and overall happier. You can begin to notice a difference in a little as 15 to 30 minutes a day. If you have small children, you can incorporate them into a routine but lifting them while squatting, or taking a walk with the stroller.

  • Get Creative!: If you like to draw, paint, crochet, knit, or color pull out your items when you are feeling stressed and take 30 minutes to use the left side of your brain. This can help to relieve stress while also providing a productive outlet and project to complete in your spare time. In a time of isolation to stay safe, consider mailing off the items to friends and family as a way to show you are thinking about them.

  • Treat Yourself: If you have been working hard at home, taking care of the kids, helping with school work, or helping family, be kind to yourself ! Give yourself a pat on the back, and treat yourself to something you enjoy. This may be take out from your favorite restaurant, cooking yourself your favorite meal, grabbing a pint of well deserved ice cream, or whatever else you have on your mind.

Self care is something that we should all do for ourselves to help us enjoy our lives a little bit better ! Self care can propel you through your problems, and give you the strength you need to get through obstacles and difficult situations.

Your partner in restoring your inner peace, 
Amelia “Millie” Brooks, MSW, Supervisee in Social Work