What is Anxiety? Learn to recognize the Signs

Anxiety can manifest itself in numerous ways and for many reasons. For example, important exams, having to make a speech, starting a new job can all be sources of nervousness or other feelings commonly associated with anxiety. 

People experience anxiety differently. Here are some of the most common symptoms of anxiety:

Excessive Worrying: Individuals with anxiety often worry excessively or have a sense of dread. These anxious feelings can stem from school, the workplace, social interactions, personal relationships, health, or finances, to name a few causes. For those with anxiety, keeping these feelings under control can be challenging, even if they realize that their worries or fears are irrational.

Difficulties Sleeping & Restlessness: 
It is very common for anxiety to keep people awake at night, especially the night before an event that is contributing to the fear and tension. Getting a good night’s sleep can feel impossible for some people, who find themselves tossing and turning in bed because of anxiety. Sleep is essential for just about every function in the body, including your mental health. In fact, sleep problems can also be a contributor to anxiety and often make things worse. There are many ways for people to improve their sleeping habits, but those with severe anxiety and insomnia can benefit from consulting with a physician who can recommend a sleeping aid.

Even if the individual manages to get to sleep — and an adequate amount of it — someone who experiences anxiety may feel unsatisfied, experience fatigue throughout the day, or become easily tired. Anxiety can be emotionally exhausting and can make getting through the day more difficult. 

Concentration Issues: 
Having difficulty concentrating is a common symptom of anxiety that can also be considered a side-effect of worry or sleep problems. If you struggle to complete work or school assignments and find yourself blanking out, anxiety may be to blame. Those who have this symptom might also procrastinate, either knowingly or unknowingly. That is, if they aren’t already distracted by anxious thoughts, they might find ways to distract themselves from those feelings and the things that are contributing to their stress.

Irritability & Tension: 
Anxiety can cause people to feel on edge frequently. Sometimes, those who are lost in thought about something worrisome might feel caught off-guard, or they might become easily angered and will lash out at others when stressed out. Individuals living with anxiety might also find that they lose their patience much quicker than in the past. Unfortunately, this common symptom can be detrimental to a person’s social life and personal relationships.

Increased Heart Rate & Palpitations: 
Some of the most prevalent physical symptoms of anxiety involve the heart. When faced with a situation that induces stress, a person may notice that his or her heart rate goes up or begins to feel irregular. 

Sweating & Hot Flashes: An increase in body temperature often comes from one’s heart-rate and blood pressure going up. Therefore, those who have higher heart rates while experiencing anxious feelings may also find that they are feeling more body heat and sweating excessively.

Trembling & Shaking: 
The stress associated with anxiety can cause a person to shake uncontrollably, especially the hands. This is caused by adrenaline and the fight-or-flight response. Although this feeling is temporary, it is still uncomfortable and can create more fear and anxiety.

Chest Pains & Shortness Of Breath: 
Like the changes in heart and temperature, a person’s breathing may also be affected by anxiety. They may feel like they cannot get enough oxygen in their lungs and experience a sensation of tightness or pain in their chest. 

Feelings Of Terror Or Impending Doom: 
These particular symptoms can be quite severe and paralyzing. A feeling that something bad is about to happen, or is in the process of happening, can sometimes appear out of nowhere. These symptoms often pass within a few minutes, and although they are scary, they aren’t inherently dangerous and are sometimes disproportional to the actual events that cause anxiety and panic.

Experiencing any of the above symptoms and want help with decreasing anxiety symptoms?  Click to learn more.

Photo credit: Unsplash – Marcos Paulo Prado

Your partner in restoring inner peace,
Christine Reid, MSW, LCSW