Am I Crazy If I Talk to a Therapist? 5 Reasons talking to a Therapist is good

Have you been thinking lately..."I feel like I'm going crazy"? In this article, hear a licensed therapist share how talking to a therapist will diminish feeling "like you're crazy".


What’s the first thing that someone says when he/she comes into a therapist office? “I feel like I’m going crazy!” This is such a common phrase that we hear a lot in our offices.  So, you’re probably wondering what’s the answer….rest assure that you are not going crazy!  It may feel like it at times because of everything that’s going on and you feel like you can’t get a handle of whatever is “driving you crazy”.  Often people are bogged down by so many emotions…sadness, anger, frustration, overwhelm, anxiety, hurt, guilt…the list goes on and on, that it may feel like they are going crazy.  When we start feeling this way, we typically turn to a friend or family member to for advice.  This is not necessarily a bad thing, however it’s only likely to offer you a quick fix.  In order to significantly reduce the feeling of “going crazy”, it is helpful to talk with a therapist.

Why should I talk with a therapist? Well, I’m so glad that you asked…check out these top 5 reasons that a therapist will help you not feel crazy:

  1. First and foremost…we don’t know you!  This is a top reason why people seek out a therapist instead of talking to a family member or friend.  Speaking to a therapist allows you the opportunity to feel heard in a nonjudgmental and safe environment. 

  2. You feel less alone with your problems. One of the things that I tell everyone from the beginning is that everyone has issues!  I have issues, my children have issues, my neighbor has issues (I think you get the point).  Sometimes we are able to work it out on our own and then there are other times in which it is helpful to have a therapist guide you to self-discovery.

  3. Validation occurs. The way you think and feel is important.  A therapist will support you as you confide about all that is overwhelming you. 

  4. Encouraged to view the problem with a new perspective.  Often times we are so engulfed in thinking about our problems and it feels like we are never going to get out of this rut.  A therapist is able to help you view your thoughts and emotions from a different perspective. When we are able to see things from an alternative perspective, the problem usually does not seem as overwhelming and you are more adept to finding a solution.

  5. Discover how to cope with everyday life.  As a therapist, we work with you to uncover what is causing you problems and what we can do together to help you resolve them. 

So as you can see that talking with a therapist is helpful and empowering!  Click to learn more about how we partner with you to restore your inner peace. 

Photo credit: Finn on Unsplash 

Your partner in restoring inner peace,
~ LaTesha McIntosh-Smith, MSW, LCSW